Quality and Complaints

Our commitment to you

Quality improvement is an ongoing priority at FIREFLY. This allows us to review our current performance and continually strive to increase client satisfaction, improve outcomes, and enhance services. 

Step 1: Talk with your Service Provider

Sometimes, concerns can arise from misunderstandings. Raise your concern with your service provider. In many situations, this step alone will lead to a resolution. If you are not satisfied with your service provider’s explanation and your concern is not resolved, ask to speak with their supervisor. You will be provided with information on how to contact the supervisor directly or the service provider will arrange a meeting for you. 

The Supervisor will meet with you. They may also invite the service provider to help clarify the issues and work toward a resolution. If your complaint is not resolved at this stage, you may request to speak with the CEO. The Supervisor will either arrange a meeting for you or provide information on how to contact the CEO directly.

The CEO is administratively responsible for the services you receive and the staff delivering those services. The CEO will meet with you, your service provider and the supervisor to review your concern, examine why it has not yet been resolved and explore other possible solutions. After this meeting, the CEO will consider all the information and inform you of their decision in writing. The CEO will also inform you that if you are not satisfied with the decision, how you may take your concern to the Board of Directors. 

The Board of Directors governs the overall operation of the Agency and its services. The CEO will make an appointment for you to meet with the appropriate Board Committee. The Committee will meet with you within 30 days and provide you with their decision within ten days of that meeting. They will also inform you of the next step, should you not be satisfied with their decision. 

FIREFLY is funded by the Province of Ontario through the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services (MCCSS). You have the right to make your concerns known to the MCCSS through the Program Supervisor. They will review all of the information and make a decision regarding your concern.