
Pediatric physiotherapy aims to help children and youth move throughout their environment to the best of their ability, using methods such as exercise, stretching, strengthening, motor learning and play, and adaptive equipment. At FIREFLY our Physiotherapy team is made up of Physiotherapists (PTs), registered health care professionals with clinical expertise in the normal development of movement, and Rehabilitation Assistants, unregulated health professionals who work under the direction and supervision of a PT.

Services are provided to children and youth from birth to age 18 in home, school, and/or community settings. 

After your referral is processed and a PT is available, they will meet with you to discuss your concerns and explain how the therapy team can help. Following an initial assessment of your child or youth, they will provide a report and review it with you and others involved in your child’s or youth’s care. From there, a therapy plan will be created based on your child’s or youth’s ongoing needs.

Physiotherapy 2

A therapy plan may include, but is not limited to

  • An initial assessment; 
  • Working together with children and their families, caregivers, daycare and school staff and other agencies to provide individualized treatment plans suited to the child and family’s strengths and needs; 
  • Direct therapy, either individual or group; 
  • Determining the need for equipment; 
  • Home programs for use by parents, caregivers, daycare and school staff; and 
  • Ongoing monitoring in which the therapist trains someone else involved with the child to carry out the plan on a more regular basis. The therapist is in regular contact with the person who carries out the program. 

How do you know if your child would benefit from Physiotherapy? 

  • Does your newborn have difficulty turning their head, or is developing a flat spot? 
  • Is your baby having difficulty with tummy time, rolling, crawling, sitting, or walking? 
  • Is your toddler having difficulty with jumping or climbing? 
  • Does your child have difficulty with running, balance, or coordination? 
  • Does your child have a condition that may affect their long-term development?