Psychology services focus on understanding and addressing the mental health needs of children and youth. They provide expert advice to help with
Specialized consultations and assessments are part of a larger service plan and require a higher level of expertise than regular intake assessments.
When a psychological assessment is requested for a client, their clinician will complete a referral form and submit it to FIREFLY Psychology. The client information is then discussed anonymously (non-identifying information only) by the Psychology Services Committee for review and (if deemed appropriate), for approval.
The Psychology Services Committee is made up of representatives from FIREFLY, Kenora Association for Community Living, and Kenora and Rainy River Districts Child & Family Services.
If the referral is approved, a Psychologist or Psychology Intern will conduct the assessment in person within the client’s community (unless the client chooses to travel to another location). Once the assessment is completed, the Psychologist will meet with the family to review the report and discuss the findings.
Important: These services are focused on mental health and are not intended for things like determining eligibility for school programs or autism services. The types of assessments able to be completed by the Psychology Services Committee might be limited to the competencies of the overseeing Psychologist.
820A Lakeview Drive
Kenora, Ontario
P9N 3P7