Speech-Language Pathology

Speech-language Pathology focuses on the assessment and treatment of a broad range of speech, language, voice, swallowing, and cognitive-communication challenges. Such issues may result from structural or functional causes and may have developed over time or have resulted from injury. Our Speech-language Pathology team here at FIREFLY consists of Speech-language Pathologists (SLPs) and Communication Assistants. 

Services are provided to children from birth to age 18 in home, school, and/or community settings.

In general, once the referral has been processed and an SLP is available to see your youth they will need to meet with you for an initial interview to explain what an SLP may be able to offer and determine the areas of concern. 

Following that, they will complete an assessment with your child, which may occur at home, school, or in a community setting. After the assessment is complete, a report is written providing suggestions that can be reviewed with you and others involved with your youth. 

A therapy plan may include, but is not limited to: 

  • An initial assessment; 
  • Working together with children and their families, caregivers, daycare and school staff and other agencies to provide individualized treatment plans suited to the child and family’s strengths and needs; 
  • Direct therapy, either individual or group; 
  • Determining the need for equipment; 
  • Home programs for use by parents, caregivers, daycare and school staff; and 
  • Ongoing monitoring in which the therapist trains someone else involved with the child to carry out the plan on a more regular basis. The therapist is in regular contact with the person who carries out the program. 
Speech Language
How do you know if your child would benefit from Speech-language Pathology?

 If your child is having difficulty with: 

  • Feeding and swallowing, 
  • Making sounds by 4 months of age, 
  • Saying first words by 12-18 months, 
  • Being understood by unfamiliar people by age 2, 
  • Putting thoughts into words, 
  • Understanding what others say to him/her 
  • Stuttering.